College Possible Student Application

Welcome High School students! We are excited to hear of your interest in College Possible!  To complete this application, you will need to provide an e-signature and verify that through email. A parent or guardian of the student will also need to provide and verify an e-signature.

Note: Your privacy is important to us. To better serve you, the form information you enter is recorded in real time.

If you have questions about your application or College Possible, please reach out to your local College Possible office:
  • Chicago: 312-638-3501,       
  • Wisconsin: 414-220-9450
  • Minnesota: 651-917-3525, and
  • Omaha: 402-884-4750,
  • Oregon: 971-407-2960,
  • Philadelphia: 215-309-7300,
  • Washington: 206-400-6886,
  • Texas: 512-452-4800, and

Student Information

Please enter your date of birth as MM/DD/YYYY
Site and School

If you do not see your high school in the list, select Not Found High School and type in the name of your high school below

If you did not see your high school in the list above, be sure that you selected Not Found High School and type in the name of your high school here

e.g. 3.750
More Information About You

We collect Legal sex info for federal reporting purpose. It is the current marker on your government identification documents. This includes things like your birth certificate, passport, state ID, or driver's license.) Gender X is a term used to encompass "a gender that is not exclusively male or female, including, but not limited to, agender, bigender, genderfluid, genderqueer, nonbinary, third sex, transgender, Two Spirit, and unspecified.
Contact Information

Academic Release Information
AS A STUDENT, I give permission to my school to release copies of my transcripts, including GPA, class rank, attendance reports, test scores, and alternative assessment scores to College Possible.

I authorize College Possible to contact colleges and universities, ACT/SAT, National Student Clearinghouse and related entities to request and track high school and college course taking, additional information pertinent to higher education, college application/enrollment, and financial aid offered and received on behalf of myself.

I understand that College Possible and its partners, funders, and independent contractors are using student data to evaluate the effectiveness of this program. All data will be kept confidential. It will be reported only in the aggregate and for the express purpose of measuring and reporting on the effectiveness of the program. I understand that any such information will be used by College Possible and its partners, funders, and independent contractors only for these purposes, and that College Possible and its partners, funders, and independent contractors will not disclose any such information that personally identifies a student to any other party, and that any report generated on the basis of this information will not personally identify any student.
Student Agreement
By completing this application, I hereby agree to meet the following program requirements if I (the student) am accepted to College Possible. I will:
  • Be responsive and communicate with my College Possible Coach.
  • Participate in College Possible meetings after school.
  • Coordinate with my College Access Coach to make-up any meetings I miss.
  • Register for and take the ACT or SAT exam.
  • Apply to postsecondary programs (Certificate Programs, 2-year college, 4-year-college).
  • Make every effort to complete my program milestones on time.
  • Work collaboratively with my College Possible Coach to submit the best possible college, scholarship, and financial aid applications.
  • Understand that College Possible is here to support me throughout college as well.
  • I commit to being respectful across all communication platforms in my interactions with other students, my coach or team members of College Possible.
  • Inclusive of, but not limited to: Bullying, Harassment of any kind, Discrimination, No statements of hate or discrimination to other students, my coach or team members of College Possible, No sexual harassment of other students, my coach or team members of College Possible, No bullying of other students, my coach or team members at College Possible, No use of explicit language or cursing to other students, my coach or team members at College Possible, No harmful, deliberate personal attacks of other students, my coach or team members at College Possible, No unlawful activity at College Possible events.
  • In the event that a violation of these agreements occurs, my coach and the College Possible staff will work with students directly to determine best steps forward and outlets for accountability.

I request that my high school and post secondary institution release all academic and financial information to a College Possible representative. This information may include academic charges/credits/payments, grades/transcripts, registration, academic progress reports, enrollment, financial aid application and awards, and demographic information. In addition, I request that College Possible have access to view my academic record through college graduation. This information will only be used by College Possible to verify student information and provide programmatic support.*

SMS Opt-In

I authorize to receive recurring SMS communication from College Possible Account Notification Service.